The topic for the July 2010 edition of the Graveyard Rabbits Carnival is:
Scavenger Hunt!
For this Carnival, I chose to visit one of the graveyards nearest my home, Fraser Cemetery in New Westminster, British Columbia, Canada. This cemetery, operated by the city since the 1930s, was in use from about 1869 and, if you're someone who lives in the Lower Mainland here, you will recognize many of the historic family names represented in its burials. Originally there were separate areas, for instance, the Masonic, Oddfellows, Church of England and Veterans' sections. (The separate St. Peter's Roman Catholic Cemetery is right next door.)
I took off for a few hours there and just had a wander by myself - choosing some examples that appealed to me that day, taking photographs and making notes as I went. Although it wasn't the nicest day weatherwise, this cemetery has an amazing view, and it's nice just to enjoy that and the 'atmosphere'. An angry crow did try to keep me away from its territory, 'dive bombing' me until I moved on, but, as you will see, another cemetery habitué was much more friendly. This is a cemetery where people visit graves regularly, and locals walk their dogs, and even their kids, and where the cemetery is small enough that one can see a lot in any visit.
The following photographs illustrate my finds from the Scavenging List we were given: Cross, Heart, Fraternal symbol, Monument, Flower. Hand, Angel, Bird, Tree, Star, Obelisk, Four-legged animal, Photo, Military gravestone, Mausoleum. As you will see, I have taken some liberties with my identifications.

Monument - This is a very large stone - as tall as I am. Beth Wood was the first woman elected to New Westminster City Council (1949) and the city's first woman Mayor. Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Flower - Malvina NORMAN's grave (1931), Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Angel - a beautiful marble monument for Ella Jane KIRKLAND LYSTER (1875). Married in 1874, she had lived with her husband in Oregon, but suffered from consumption and returned to New Westminster to die. Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Bird - A guardian crow, Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Four legged animal - a black cat - very friendly - and obviously very comfortable visiting in the neighbourhood. Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Photo 1 - DE LOS REYES grave, (2007). A free standing easel has a photograph on the front, with a photo and commemorative text on the back. Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Photo 2 - John T. STEIGERVALD grave (1997), Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
Military - HOSKIN marker, Fraser Cemetery, New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010. There are a number of other HOSKIN military markers. Some may be related.
Lastly - Fraser Cemetery has no mausoleums, but does have this very modern new ossuarium (an in ground common 'vault' or receptacle for cremains), along with a new columbarium and wall space for memorial plaques. New Westminster, BC, Canada. Photograph by M. Diane Rogers, June 2010.
This post was written for the Graveyard Rabbits' Scavenger Hunt Blog Carnival.
Thanks to Julie Cahill Tarr, of Chicagoland Cemeteries, who came up with the idea for this Carnival for the Association of Graveyard Rabbits.
1 comment:
Looks like the same angel, before the stone was repaired.
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